What does it mean to be mindful?

Being mindful is about being present, focusing on the current moment and paying attention to what is happening versus thinking about the past or present.

Why is mindfulness so challenging?

With so much going on in our lives and the world in general, it can be hard to stop and think about what is happening now. We are hard wired to plan ahead and reflect on past experiences to help us make decisions.

Why should I be mindful?

Constantly thinking of the past or future can lead to continual stress that can affect our health. Studies show that being mindful can help us be more positive, choose healthier foods, sleep better, lower blood pressure, reduce anxiety and depression, and more.

How can I be more mindful?

There are several ways you can be mindful. You can be mindful doing any sort of task – whether it is making a cup of tea, eating a meal, or just breathing – focusing on all of your senses at that moment. Body scans are another type of mindfulness exercise where you start at one end of the body and focus on different areas as you work your way to the other end. There are also breathing exercises where you just focus on your breath.

How do I get started?

There are different types of programs and apps available to help you learn and practice regularly. Look for ones that are backed by science, usually from medical schools and universities. Once you find one, or more mindfulness techniques start by doing a few minutes a day and then build up from there.