Keeping a healthy weight is important for maintaining good health over the years. Losing as little as 5-10% of excess weight can greatly improve blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.
While it may sound easier said than done, it does not have to be difficult. Often extreme diets promise rapid weight loss, but they can be hard to stick to, can lead to side effects, and even increase certain health risks.
Research has shown, small, consistent changes, lead to big results. Healthy weight loss may take longer but is safer and has longer-lasting results.
DayTwo’s key principles for healthy weight management:
Go for the green. Choosing food items and meal combinations that result in a green score on the DayTwo app will lead to a balance of healthy fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. Choosing food items with this balance helps with optimizing digestion and absorption, and extends the feeling of fullness. In turn, this fullness and resulting decreased hunger can lead to weight loss.
DayTwo’s key tips for healthy weight management:
- Watch your Calories. Make sure you’re not eating too many, or too few, calories. Having the right amount will help your body function at its best while getting rid of the extra stored energy it doesn’t need.
- Eat Regularly. Do not skip meals. Skipping meals often leads to overeating later on in the day. Having a meal or snack every 4-5 hours is ideal for keeping your energy up and staying satisfied.
- Be Prepared. Having healthy foods and snacks available and ready helps us easily choose healthy options when we’re hungry.
- Be One with Nature. Eat foods as close as possible to their natural form versus eating processed foods.
- Slow Down. Take time to enjoy your food. Try to avoid doing other things that may distract you while you eat (like watching TV, working, etc.). Instead, pay attention to how the food tastes and how your hunger starts to change. Stop eating when you feel satisfied instead of waiting to feel overly full.
- Choose the Nutritious Path. Get those nutrients – choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and fewer animal products.
- Watch your Portions. Choose foods and food combinations according to DayTwo’s personalized nutrition recommendations to prevent sharp increases in blood sugar levels.
- Stay Mindful. Choose foods with less salt, sugar, and saturated fat – often these foods can have more calories and/or can make you hungry again quickly.
- Get Moving. Try to do some physical activity daily. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends getting at least 150 minutes per week of aerobic exercise e.g walking, running, dancing, or cycling.