When will my results be ready?
Results are typically ready about 2-3 weeks after they arrive at our lab.

How do I get my microbiome report?
Once results are ready, tap on the DNA, or double helix, icon at the bottom of your app.

Is is possible to download my microbiome report?
Yes. You can download from your settings. Settings can be found by locating the progress tab, or person icon, in the app menu. Once in the progress tab, select the gear at the top right. This will take you to your settings. Tap on “Get a copy of the report” to download your report.

Is there a desktop version of the app?
Currently, there is only a mobile app version.

How can I connect my smart device (or another app) to my DayTwo app?
The DayTwo app gets your steps from your smart phone’s health app – either Google Fit or Apple Health. Depending on the device or app, you may be able to directly connect that device’s app with Google Fit or Apple Health. However, sometimes you will need a third party app to connect the two.
The best place to start is the settings of your phone’s health app to see if it possible to connect there. 

What makes the nutrition recommendations personalized?
The score for each food item or meal is calculated specifically for you, based on your personal and clinical parameters, including the DNA sequencing of your microbiome. Additionally, the effect of fat, protein, and carbohydrates on the score differs between people. When creating meals, you can see these differences more significantly.

What is the difference between DayTwo’s recommendations and general nutrition recommendations?
DayTwo’s personalized nutrition recommendations aim to keep blood glucose levels in target ranges and are personally tailored to each individual, based on his personal parameters, including the DNA sequencing of his microbiome. Generalized nutrition recommendations do not take into account the personal information of the individual and can therefore influence each person differently. This requires a large amount of trial and error, until you discover the best nutrition for you. You can combine the DayTwo nutrition recommendations with any diet or lifestyle you choose to follow.

How are your recommendations different from the glycemic index?
The nutrition recommendations you received are personal and different from the glycemic index.The glycemic index is an average of blood sugar responses of different people to a single food as compared to a reference food (glucose or bread). DayTwo provides personalized nutrition recommendations based on your personal features or a ‘personal glycemic index.’ You may respond to a food in a completely different manner than the average response so it is important to know your personal response. DayTwo also provides a score for meals, not just single items.

What do the scores mean?
First, it is important to understand that the DayTwo personalized nutrition recommendations and scoring system represent the predicted blood glucose levels two hours after a meal. We chose to put our focus on balancing blood glucose because this is an important measure that can affect your health.
Your DayTwo app provides you with a variety of meals and foods. Each one of them is assigned a personalized score ranging from 1-9.9. A higher score is given to a meal and/or food that will only raise your blood glucose levels slightly, while a lower score will result in a larger spike of your blood glucose levels. We recommend aiming for meals with a higher score (8 and above) while remaining within your recommended daily calorie allowance. 
Please note, the score does not take into account your allergies, sensitivities, medical background, or other nutritional needs. Therefore, you may find items/meals that have a high score but are not necessarily healthy or right for you (for example chocolate, bacon, fatty cheese). We recommend consulting with your dietitian or physician before making any drastic changes to your diet.

If I combine two, or more, high scoring foods will the meal score be an average?
No. The scores do not average. Each food has its own unique set of nutrients and when combined with others, the overall nutrition changes. This means your blood sugar may spike more when you eat certain foods together than when you eat them separately. To avoid surprises, it is important to check the score of a meal (with all of the combined foods logged together), before eating it.

Will I receive a list of “good” and “bad” foods?
Each food is assigned a personal score that changes depending on the amount, and the food it is combined with. Therefore, we do not believe in providing a list of “good” and “bad” foods. 
You can combine a low-scoring item with protein or fat to improve the score or adjust the serving size of the food to see its effect on the score. The app allows you to change, remove, and play with the portion sizes so that you can enjoy a variety of foods. Additionally, the food database is dynamic and is updated from time to time with new food items that you can view via the app. 
Keep in mind that the food score only reflects the effect of the food on your glucose levels, and does not account for the overall health and nutrient value of the foods. You may notice some foods that are healthy, get a “low” (poor) score. Do not eliminate these from your diet, instead, you will learn to improve them. On the other hand, just because a food has a high score, it may not be a healthy and a nutritious choice and should be eaten in moderation.

Is there a certain amount of carbohydrate, protein, and fat that I should aim to eat?
There is no general recommendation for a specific distribution of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats you need to consume. The recommendation varies from person to person and depends on various factors such as medical conditions, dietary restrictions, lifestyle, etc.
In addition, there is no maximum amount of daily carbohydrates, proteins, or fats you want to avoid, except for those with certain medical conditions. If you have a medical condition that may affect your dietary needs, it is advised to consult with your physician and/or dietitian regarding your macronutrient distribution.

Does the time I eat have an effect on my recommendations/scores?
In terms of our recommendations, the time you choose for your meals will not affect your score. We do, however, recommend keeping a minimum of two and a half hours between meals and/or snacks to allow your blood sugar to return to baseline.
If you do eat more within a two and a half hour time period between meals, please go to the previous meal to add the food. This will update your score to update your blood sugar response.

Does the diary know to combine two meals I have logged if they are eaten at the same time or if they are eaten less than 2 ½ hours apart?
The diary does not automatically combine meals logged close to each other. Therefore, in order to check the score of two meals eaten less than 2 ½  hours apart, you must enter all the food items together into one meal when building it.

I can’t find a certain food/beverage in the search.
Because our scores are precise we have very specific nutrient requirements from the foods we have in our database. Most can be found in our database, however some cannot be added. 
If you would like to send us the missing item, please send us an email at membercare@daytwo.com with the following information:
Food Item:
1. Full barcode/UPC code
2. Picture of the front of the package
3. Picture of the nutrition label
Restaurant Item:
1. Restaurant chain name
2. Food item
3. Restaurant website link to food item’s nutrition information page

Have other questions?
Give us a call or email us:
Phone: 888-850-0727
Email: membercare@daytwo.com